My story is about ME and HIM.

Time flies, it's time to wake up.
My childhood was end long time ago, and I never realised.
I just appreciate what I have now.
Families, My boy, My besties, My friends, My cousins, and so on.
I have my target on my future,
I want to live my life with those all i appreciate.
Smile everyday and I believe nothing's impossible.
Although how sucks,how hard of my life, there were many people be there for me.
They give me caring, support, advice, love and suggestion.

To my love ones:
I won't care how long we need to go,
I just care how much we love each other.
I won't care how hard the road,
I just care if you're beside, everything it's fine.
I won't care how busy you are,
I just care you remember to tell me that you miss me.
Just wanna let you noe you're everything to me.

I told myself i can change.
For you, for myself.
I believe I can do it,
Go ahead and show everyone, MS.DINGDING !


Fucking moodless.

真搞不懂,为什么我老妈要管我交了什么朋友,难道就不相信自己的女儿嘛?我选的朋友都是好的,你都认为不好。一定要看外表来判断一个人好不好?对不起,你的想法错了,要看一个人的心是否是坏not depends on外表。还说很了解我,其实你一点都不是。

一直以来都为难我,我跟你说过我朋友是好的,你就说一大堆废话。说我认识的都是不好的学生 Zzz! 非常抱歉,你女儿已经长大了,有选择的权利。我不想吵架,我只是二话不说,把我的话吞下去罢了。

我想去gerko. 但你从来都要我早回,让我跟我朋友一下不可以?走路去附近的Shopping complex,就讲是坏学生不要上课,在外面溜达?我最讨厌这句。每次在肯雅兰都会看到很多学生在那里,你就会讲这句,讲他们不要回家,逗留在外面。其实你也是在讲你自己的女儿。课外活动,说是去拿分数,对!说不是去玩~ 就是你因为懒惰载,不然我从Form1开始我就很active了。

孩子的所作所为,全部都是从父母亲学来的!所以说,其母/父必有其子/女! 我不是在怪他们。我说的是实话。你们应该做好榜样。但你们有吗?没有。。。。。。
