My story is about ME and HIM.

Time flies, it's time to wake up.
My childhood was end long time ago, and I never realised.
I just appreciate what I have now.
Families, My boy, My besties, My friends, My cousins, and so on.
I have my target on my future,
I want to live my life with those all i appreciate.
Smile everyday and I believe nothing's impossible.
Although how sucks,how hard of my life, there were many people be there for me.
They give me caring, support, advice, love and suggestion.

To my love ones:
I won't care how long we need to go,
I just care how much we love each other.
I won't care how hard the road,
I just care if you're beside, everything it's fine.
I won't care how busy you are,
I just care you remember to tell me that you miss me.
Just wanna let you noe you're everything to me.

I told myself i can change.
For you, for myself.
I believe I can do it,
Go ahead and show everyone, MS.DINGDING !


Selamat Hari Raya ~~

闷闷的假期~ *yawn*
两天就sapu完一包 D: 放假过后准备做大肥婆吧 :P
希望明年的华人新年不要冷清啊 D:
很少 'bom bom bom' 声..而且我也不曾跟马来人拜年过 ><
马来朋友我也只有两三个 -.-''
还是要跟你们说 Selamat Hari Raya :DD
明天国庆日 :/ 啦啦啦~
Fanny教坏我了... pubo 死 :P
东西也不会便宜.. 也没有要买的东西 o.o
假期呢~很快就会结束,现在也是第四天了 :P
我好好好好好好好好想他 ╭(╯3╰)╮
我知道~ 我很厚脸皮,哈哈哈!
现在我想念学校了~ 这次假期真的真的很闷!
宁愿去学校,至少有朋友在 ><
在家里....~~ (╯﹏╰) 闷死人了~!@!#!#!@
每次对电脑讲话罢了...还有听电脑在唱歌 xD
我要走火入魔了~~ 宝贝猴子,还不快点来救我? :P
我要抱抱  o(≧v≦)o
还有还有~ 你的儿子女儿给弟弟虐待了!哈哈哈
还不快点回来救你的儿子女儿 :X 呵呵~

♥┉I love you I love you┉♡

有你才会有我这样的笑容 <3

Monkey Family...!可爱死,好幼稚哦.. 哈哈!
Ish Ish,儿子帅呆了 :DD
