My story is about ME and HIM.

Time flies, it's time to wake up.
My childhood was end long time ago, and I never realised.
I just appreciate what I have now.
Families, My boy, My besties, My friends, My cousins, and so on.
I have my target on my future,
I want to live my life with those all i appreciate.
Smile everyday and I believe nothing's impossible.
Although how sucks,how hard of my life, there were many people be there for me.
They give me caring, support, advice, love and suggestion.

To my love ones:
I won't care how long we need to go,
I just care how much we love each other.
I won't care how hard the road,
I just care if you're beside, everything it's fine.
I won't care how busy you are,
I just care you remember to tell me that you miss me.
Just wanna let you noe you're everything to me.

I told myself i can change.
For you, for myself.
I believe I can do it,
Go ahead and show everyone, MS.DINGDING !



今天是愚人节~没什么特别 =.=..哈哈~今天在学校有一个讲座会,是关于到什么真爱の等待==
原本以为他们会鼓励我们在中学时期谈恋爱?哈哈哈..(发白日梦) 但其实只是跟我们说一些大道理..swt~ 害我还很专心の听 XD 有三个步骤,第① - 建立友谊,第② - 心灵の合意,第③ - 婚姻才性爱 == 这样才会有美好美满の爱情 生活?@@不懂,管他那么多~哈哈哈..主要是我开心就好 =x 还没讲座之前,他们有表演..感觉很好笑 @@ 哈哈~但可惜,我没拍到他们表演の照片..@@ 今天只是上了四节课,觉得好像去学校=去玩 XD 而且在班里也拍了一些照片(在班里无聊过头)~哈哈 =D

我和我の朋友の照照 XD

我和我的熊熊 xD (觉得自己很幼稚,在学校玩这些东西==但是没办法,我就是还是那么的小孩子 XD)
老师在黑板写字,我却在后面偷偷拍照 >.<
呵呵,自拍的病真的是无药可救~ xD
