最近功课多,Assignment多,虽然冷落了你. 但我还是会回复你的信息, msn 不是吗?
可能是你每天跟我所讲的东西..每天一摸一样,可能我觉得腻了,厌倦了..我不喜欢罗嗦人,我自己一直啰嗦我都会觉得我自已很显..天天都说一样的话..有话题才怪 -__-
你问过我肯不肯你去和女生交朋友==. 不用问都知道答案啦..每个女生都一样的..都有女朋友了也这样..会不会太过了一点..还反过来说我..一些男生要跟我做朋友我理都不理..我只和我已经认识到很熟的男生很好而已..如果你觉得不公平的话..那你的想法真的错了..我不确定我的想法对不对,但是我也无话可说了..
可能我自己坏了一点,野蛮了一点..凶了一点..但是你也不可以觉得全部都是我的错. 想想自己再说别人吧 -_- 我也会承认我自己做错了什么. 没有人可以改变我,我就是我..我的性格就是这样..
我也承认我会无视别人.尤其是我在上线的时候. 以前当我上线的时候我完全不动电话. 但最后我还不是有回信息等等..
我不想管任何事情..如果我说错了一些话..抱歉. 不是故意的.
My story is about ME and HIM.
Time flies, it's time to wake up.
My childhood was end long time ago, and I never realised.
I just appreciate what I have now.
Families, My boy, My besties, My friends, My cousins, and so on.
I have my target on my future,
I want to live my life with those all i appreciate.
Smile everyday and I believe nothing's impossible.
Although how sucks,how hard of my life, there were many people be there for me.
They give me caring, support, advice, love and suggestion.
To my love ones:
I won't care how long we need to go,
I just care how much we love each other.
I won't care how hard the road,
I just care if you're beside, everything it's fine.
I won't care how busy you are,
I just care you remember to tell me that you miss me.
Just wanna let you noe you're everything to me.
I told myself i can change.
For you, for myself.
I believe I can do it,
Go ahead and show everyone, MS.DINGDING !