My story is about ME and HIM.

Time flies, it's time to wake up.
My childhood was end long time ago, and I never realised.
I just appreciate what I have now.
Families, My boy, My besties, My friends, My cousins, and so on.
I have my target on my future,
I want to live my life with those all i appreciate.
Smile everyday and I believe nothing's impossible.
Although how sucks,how hard of my life, there were many people be there for me.
They give me caring, support, advice, love and suggestion.

To my love ones:
I won't care how long we need to go,
I just care how much we love each other.
I won't care how hard the road,
I just care if you're beside, everything it's fine.
I won't care how busy you are,
I just care you remember to tell me that you miss me.
Just wanna let you noe you're everything to me.

I told myself i can change.
For you, for myself.
I believe I can do it,
Go ahead and show everyone, MS.DINGDING !


有人说~很久没看到我update部落格 ~ 一天而已嘛..哈哈~

昨天去了一个很远很远的地方 ~ 
无可奉告, 哈哈哈~ 打开眼界 o.O!!
还被老爸骂了一顿呢.. =/ 其实不是我被骂,而是我老母 :X 她中枪!
老爸真的是不可理喻,小题大作 -。- 知道他关心我,但也用错方法了吧..

今天 - 
虽然看了不该看的东西..对不起..让自己更伤心 ==也活该啦!
我也相信你..我应该回去听「没那么简单」这首歌 LOL! 
我现在可是认真的哦 ! Maii play play! 哈哈 ;)
还有还有,别拿现在和过去比较好不好 ;( gahhh >< 听料就saddie

